Monthly Archives: October 2018




GoodWill IS Love in Action


FIRST IS THE GREAT COMMANDMENTS: “The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:29-31).


WHAT THEN IS LOVE? In a general sense love is benevolence, good will; that disposition of heart which inclines men to think favorably of their fellow men, and to do them good. In a theological sense, it includes supreme love to God, and universal good will to men. While this IS from an older definition of Charity, which IS rendered in the King James Bible from the same Greek word agape which IS generally rendered as Love, we should amend our own definition here to include the idea that in the reality of Love a man will accord to ALL men ALL things that he would accord to himself and to say that Love IS our thoughts and attitude of the equality of ALL men regardless of their outward nature or appearance…that ALL ARE equally children of Our One God


PLUS THE EVER IMPORTANT AND HIGH IDEAL TAUGHT TO US BY THE CHRIST: “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them” (Matthew 7:12).

In the last essay we discussed the reality of discipleship. While millions upon millions of men today claim to be disciples of the Master, there ARE Truly very few who have taken to heart the reality of Jesus’ own words on claiming that status. If we can look at discipleship in the same way as the Master and look closely at the lives of those who were with Him as disciples, we could likely see the reality of His words that so clearly state that “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple….So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26-27, 33).

There IS NO uncertainty here, Jesus’ words ARE quite clear; yet there ARE millions upon millions that claim this status through their doctrinal views and where average men in this world ARE called disciples from the pulpits of their churches. While the Apostle Luke shows us the reality of Jesus’ words on discipleship here, the Apostle Matthew gives us the same idea from a different perspective….that of being worthy of Him. Matthew shows us Jesus’ words as “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me” (Matthew 10:37-38). If we can understand the idea of worthy in terms of deserving the due reward 9a of His Presence, we can then better understand the point of one’s worthiness in forsaking one’s own natural affections for family; everything else should be understood under the banner of “he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me“.

Luke’s final clarification embraces both of these factors: forsaking one’s own natural affections and taking up one’s cross and following Him with the idea “he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple“. In the combination of these ideas we should be able to see the relationships between His idea of one being “worthy of me” and of being “my disciple“. We should try to see here also that these singular ideas should be understood to cover ALL degrees of worthiness and of discipleship and here again we come to the idea of measure under the Master’s words saying “with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again” (Matthew 7:2). While this idea of measure IS generally aligned with the idea of giving as this IS interpreted from Luke’s Gospel, the deeper spiritual ideas ARE equally True and perhaps the Apostle Mark’s framing of Jesus’ thought shows us the greater reality as he tells us Jesus’ words as “Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given” (Mark 4:24).

This idea of hearing here IS much more than what enters into one’s ear; it IS the acceptance of what IS heard and we should try to see that this includes both the inner voice, that “still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12), and what IS actually heard with the eyes and the ears. This same idea applies to the Apostle James’ warning  that men “be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves” (James 1:22) but with opposite effect as there IS NO acceptance in being “ hearers only“. Can we see the point here? This same idea of acceptance can be applied to the ideas of worthiness and discipleship and this under the Truth of both the cross and the following of the Master; if one DOES Truly accepts His words as Truth, if one Truly accepts Him as Lord, then one will DO as He instructs and here if we can see that for a man to “bear his cross” he must perforce forsake ALL that IS of the world, we can then see the deeper meaning. ALL else IS the reality of the deception which IS founded in that vanity which men, unawares, ARE in: a perishable and decaying condition, separate from God, and pursuing false ends 4.

This state of vanity IS of course the burden of ALL men, ALL Souls are “made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope. Because expectation that the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God” (Romans 8:20-21). This IS the most natural plight of men which they DO NOT see because of the illusion that vanity creates, an illusion that mistakes the unreal for the real and covers the True man, the Soul, with the personality’s own vision of Life which IS based in what he sees, feels and thinks. The doctrines of men play a oversize role in the deception of men who start out Life separate from God and who, after enduring years of nurturing and indoctrination into the ways of the world, turn to what they KNOW which IS pursuing false ends. This pursuing IS the reality of James’ words on the relationship between the man in the world and the world; the apostle tells us “know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God” (James 4:4).

This adversarial idea IS the crux of men’s vanity, of their pursuing false ends, as in their daily lives they work in the opposite direction of the Master’s words on discipleship. Most ALL men pursue their worldly desires for more, bigger and better of those things that the world can furnish while they seemingly ignore the deeper Truths of Jesus’ words that show us the reality of discipleship and the Way to an understanding of the Truth. The Master tells us that “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32). It IS in men’s efforts to assuage their own lack of the essential Truth that they have created their doctrinal alternate Truths which ARE the essence of Paul’s teaching on “another gospel: Which is not another“….this “another gospel” uses the same words from Jesus but parks them in a place that IS subordinate to their own alternative Truths. 

The reality IS however that there ARE NO alternative Truths, nor ARE there alternative facts; ALL such ARE but lies. In the doctrinal confusion regarding Satan and the devil, in the personification of the very essence of the vanity in which ALL men Live, we should be able to see much of the dilemma of men. Jesus speaks of this force saying that “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it” (John 8:44).  The comparison here should be the same as we have in James words; the adversary IS the same, it IS the world, and if we can see that in Jesus’ words here, we can then understand how that the father of the carnal man IS the world; it IS the lusts of the world that ARE NOT the Truth but ARE rather the false ends which men ever pursue; and it IS this vanity, this illusion and glamour, that DO lie to the minds and carnally focused hearts of men.

The Apostle John tells us to “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever” (1 John 2:15-17). If we can see in these ideas the very fabric of the vanity, we can then understand that the enemy IS NOT some ‘spiritual’ being that IS named Satan nor IS the enemy the many ‘devils’ that ARE associated with him in the doctrines of men, handed down from the barbarous and superstitious era and those people who created them.

Jesus IS speaking about the carnal nature of men, the proclivities of the flesh if you will; this IS a nature that embraces the world because the world IS ALL that IS KNOWN by the personality from the time of his inception, through his long years of nurturing and indoctrination, and onward into the experiences of Life. In the idea that “Ye are of your father the devil” we should see Jesus telling the Jews that their allegiance IS to themselves and that their religious words ARE but that, words by which they proclaim themselves “Abraham’s seed” saying that “We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God” (John 8:41, 33). Of course they miss Jesus’ point completely and this based in their belief that their doctrines, that following their doctrines, showed them to be righteous when they were NOT while their overall carnal instincts make Jesus tell them the Truth that “ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham” (John 8:40).

The point here IS that Jesus IS NOT referring to some ‘spiritual’ being that IS influencing their minds and causing these Jews to focus their lives upon the things of the self and the self in this world; He IS NOT referring to a personality of evil but rather to the carnal minds of men which ARE fixed upon the illusion and the glamour which IS the vanity and the corruption from which everyman must escape. The Apostle Peter shows us this saying “Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust” (2 Peter 1:4) but his words ARE NOT understood in the tone that they ARE intended. While the doctrinal thinker may believe that he IS a partaker based in following his own doctrines, while he may believe that the “exceeding great and precious promises” ARE his already, he DOES NOT think through the escape as his focus remains in the world.

And this IS the most basic Christian problem: too many believe that they ARE saved by the utterance of some words, the pouring of or dunking into some water or by the other various rites, rituals and sacraments that ARE but the inventions of men. Add to this the doctrinal ideas of heaven and hell, lakes of fire, and Satan’s kingdom and power that IS for some a separate place where God has NO reign. NONE of this IS Truth; again these ARE the creations of men and should here we should recall the words of the Master to the Jews saying “Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God” (Luke 16:15). Who IS it that can Truly say that he DOES “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength” and at the same time can Truly express that sense of agape which results in one’s ability to “love thy neighbour as thyself“.

These ideas ARE the crux of Truth Christianity; these ideas ARE Jesus’ Way to True salvation. It IS these great Truths that the Master elevates to be the Great Commandments of which He says “There is none other commandment greater than these” and one should wonder here how that the church which bears the Name of Jesus the Christ could have ignored these ideas so completely and for so long. While we can understand the reality of the early church which, in their desire to grow, chose to NOT burden the new proselyte with the clear and stark words of the Master, we CAN NOT understand how the whole of Christianity has moved so far off course and into so many different directions. The whole of the failure of the church IS bound up in their own teachings on heaven and hell and the ideas of Satan and the devil; it IS through these that men have relieved themselves of the need to Truly heed the words of the Master, words that bring forth the Inner man, the Soul and the striving of this aspect of Life to overcome the carnal instincts.

Here we should remember that such carnal instincts ARE NOT what IS proposed by the churches, these ARE NOT ONLY those egregious thoughts, attitudes and actions of men but ARE rather the entirety of men’s view of himself as this form in this world and the way that this view creates the self in opposition to other selves. This IS the nature of Peter’s words and what must be escaped in order to have a realization of the Truth, a realization of those “exceeding great and precious promises” by which we “might be partakers of the divine nature“. It IS the “the corruption that is in the world through lust” that must be escaped and when we can understand that this corruption IS one’s own view of the self which creates such self-serving attitudes as me, me, me and I want, I want, I want, we can then better understand the very nature of the escape which must be accomplished. This DOES NOT happen as a sudden jolt of religion brought on by the rites and rituals of the denominational church, this happens gradually and steadily as the Soul exercises ever more control over the carnal instincts that govern the lives of men….this happens through striving.

In Peter’s words we should also see the most basic idea of forsaking, how that it IS in forsaking the carnal instincts that one actually DOES free himself from the mental and  emotional desires that keep him bound to the world. And we must understand that this idea of lust, of desires for the things of the self, reaches across ALL strata of society and while what IS desired may change from stratum to stratum, the reality of the desires IS the same. We should understand as well that this strata DOES include the religious and the irreligious, NONE ARE free from the effects of desire and the stronger idea of doctrines, lust. While the religious may believe that their desires ARE good, that these ARE NOT lust, the greater reality IS that desire IS desire and includes ALL things in which there is a benefit to the self, be it emotional, mental or physical.

We should try to understand here that it IS desires that play the greatest role in Jesus words on treasure and while men take this Greek word thesauros to mean specifically wealth and possessions, this word, like mammon, IS intended to show what IS the focus of a man….what IS in his heart. This IS clear in the context of Jesus words saying “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:19-21) but this idea has ever been manipulated by the doctrines of men, some of which promise great treasures in heaven for believers based upon a broad array of carnal concepts from living a ‘sin’ free Life to how much one may give and tithe.

While both Strong’s and Thayer’s define thesauros in terms of wealth, the Master’s words clearly indicate that He IS speaking about what it IS that IS in the heart, that the thoughts and attitudes and the desires of a man become his treasure. Vincent stays away from defining this word that is rendered as treasure, opting instead to offer the legend of St. Thomas and Gondoforus 4 which we have posted in In the Words of Jesus parts 387 and 843. Here the story tells us that Thomas gave away ALL of the king’s treasure to the poor and sick, much to the displeasure of the King, and that this IS ALL replaced for the king by a palace of gold, silver and jewels in heaven. This IS of course but a story and again we should see the reality that there ARE NO such places in the Kingdom, a point that is missed by many in the doctrinal church who believe that there are “many mansions” (John 14:2) there for believers.

We should try to understand that the idea of treasure IS intended to show what has become important to a person, what IS his focus in Life. When that focus IS turned toward the desires of men which ARE based in one’s carnal instincts, the result IS to remain in “the corruption that is in the world through lust“. Much like the misinterpretation of the Greek word thesauros results in such treasures becoming just wealth and possessions, the misinterpretation of the Greek word epithymia has resulted in lust becoming just: a longing (especially for what is forbidden) 9a  as Strong’s defines this word. On this word epithymia however, Vincent tells us that the idea IS NOT limited to the common understanding of lust; using the Master’s use of the idea in His explanation of the Parable of the Sower Mr. Vincent says: The lusts of other things entering in (αἱ περὶ τὰ λοιπὰ ἐπιθυμίαι); Lusts, not in the limited sense of mere sexual desire, but in the general sense of longing. The word is also used of desire for good and lawful things 4.

The complete idea of the Master’s words according to Mark ARE in reference to the seeds, (the word of course), which ARE “are sown among thorns“. Jesus tells us that such men “hear the word, And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful” (Mark 4:18, 19). The idea of lust should always be seen in terms of desire as treasure should always be seen as that which IS the focus of a man….that which has his attention, and here again we should remind ourselves that this idea of focus IS of paramount importance as one strives toward the Truth of His words and that Transformation that is the result of the “renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2).

This renewing IS ONLY possible through the refocusing of one’s attention off of the self and the thoughts and attitudes and desires of the self and onto the Good, the Beautiful and the Truth….the things of God. This fixes the treasure in one’s heart to the things of God rather than the corruption and that men DO NOT see that their lives ARE embedded in that corruption IS a most basic failure of religion. Religions invariably teach that one’s pursuit of worldly gain IS a right and normal way of Life so long as such pursuits DO NOT run contrary to the Ten Commandments and while this may be a worthy goal, it IS NOT held strictly as most of the commandments, save for murder, theft and the view of some few on adultery and lying, ARE ignored.

Worldly ambitions ARE NO different than the lust to which Peter refers nor the words of James who teaches on lust saying “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. Do not err, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” (James 1:12:17).

James’ point here IS that it IS lust that IS the precursor to temptation while far too many men of doctrine place this blame on that personality that they call Satan and the devil along with his minions. In many parts of the church the role of Satan in the lives of men IS super enhanced as these men take hold of their doctrines and become a part of the evangelistic movement, spreading the doctrinal word throughout society. Many hearken back to the words of the Apostle Paul as he says “And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure” (2 Corinthians 12:7) and see themselves in postilions where their own hardships or even illnesses ARE their own buffeting by Satan.

There ARE many theories regarding this “thorn in the flesh” but few even try to see this in the context through which it IS offered: Paul IS acknowledging that through his “abundance of the revelations” that he might be inclined to take pleasure in himself and be “exalted above measure” and if we could see that this “thorn in the flesh” IS that inclination, we could likely see James’ words in Paul apparent dilemma. Paul IS being tempted, being “drawn away of his own lust, and enticed” and his story IS of his own efforts to NOT let his desires be conceived that they NOT “bringeth forth sin“. It IS to this end that Paul “besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me” (2 Corinthians 12:8, 9).

This IS the apostle’s confession of his own inclinations to follow his own carnal instincts; Paul continues then to show us the result of his forbearance as he says “Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong” (2 Corinthians 12:8, 9-10). If we can try to see the idea of Satan as its defining idea of an adversary and understand that this adversary IS the carnal nature of a man, the vanity to which the Soul IS subjected, we can then shed the superstition which IS loosely based in the Old Testament narratives but IS almost purely the product of the early Christian church, in accord perhaps with the lore of other religions. The Jew’s understanding of this term satan which originates in the Old Testament IS NOT the source for the Christian view; we read this from the Jewish Virtual Library:

Judaism does not view “Satan” with the same connotation as other religions. Satan in Judaism is not a physical being ruling the underworld, rather, in the Torah, the word Satan indicates “accuser,” “hinderer” or “tempter.” Satan is therefore more an illusory obstacle in one’s way – such as temptation and evil doings – keeping one from completing the responsibilities of tikkun olam (fixing the world). Satan is the evil inclination to veer off the path of righteousness and faithfulness in God *.

In the clarity of this idea we should see that it IS the carnal instincts of men that ARE that evil inclination to veer off the path of righteousness and faithfulness in God; if we can see that this IS the reality of satan as that adversary of the Soul in this world, we can then better understand the True plight of men. And the choice IS always present: to forsake the carnal inclinations and instincts and follow the Path of Truth by escapingthe corruption that is in the world through lust” or to remain in that vanity, that “bondage of corruption“, beset by the illusion and the glamour of Life in form. We should understand here that the Jewish view of satan described above may NOT be the view of every Jewish denominational approach and that these ideas ARE themselves doctrinal; we should also try to see that the evil inclination to veer off the path can be more accurately understood as the inclination to stay off of the Path….to continue in one’s carnal pursuits which ARE the common inclinations of both the religious and the irreligious. We should also understand that the Jew’s view of evil, much like the Christian view, IS an inaccurate portrayal which limits the idea to the most egregious ‘sins’. Jesus paints the True picture of evil as He tells us about the ability of everyman to gain Wisdom from the Lord. The Master tells us to:

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give* him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give* him a serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” (Matthew 7:6-11).

If we can see in these words the context of “that which is holy” and understand that one’s pearls ARE just that, we can better understand the whole if the Master’s idea. Many doctrinal thinkers DO NOT relate these ideas to the next; they show these ideas as Jewish happenings; priests throwing flesh from sacrificial offering to the dogs and a man throwing small pearls to swine who mistake them for food and ARE angered 4. Can we think of a reason that Jesus would say such things in this context? However if we can see such holy things and pearls in terms of Wisdom and Truth, they can become the reality of just what one should ask, seek and knock after. The point here IS that God will give such Wisdom and Truth to everyman just as the father will give to the son.

In this we find the greater reality of evil as we can be sure that the Master IS NOT calling out every father as being evil according to the common understanding of this word; He IS simply calling out the carnal inclinations of men. We should add here that in Luke’s version of this the idea of Wisdom and Truth IS changed to the Holy Spirit and in this we should see that these ideas ARE synonymous. Luke says “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?” (Luke 11:13). We close today with our trifecta, the words of Jesus that ever point us to the Truth, His Presence and His Kingdom; we read:

  • If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32).
  • Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 7:21).
  • He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world? Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father’s which sent me” (John 14:21-24).

We will continue with our thoughts in the next post.

Aspect of  God


Aspect of Man

In Relation to the Great Invocation

In relation to the Christ

GOD, The Father

Will or Power

Spirit or Life

Center where the Will of God IS KNOWN


Son, The Christ

Love and Wisdom

Soul or Christ Within

Heart of God


Holy Spirit

Light or Activity

Life Within

Mind of God


Quote of the Day:

Let the peace of God rule in your hearts

  • 4 Word Studies in the New Testament; Marvin R Vincent D.D. 2nd edition
  • 9a The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible on
  • 9 Thayer’s Greek Lexicon on
  • * From the Jewish Virtual Library

 Those who walk on the well-trodden path always throw stones at those who are showing a new road.  

Voltaire, Writer and Philosopher

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Filed under Abundance of the Heart, Born Again, Bread of Life, Children of God, Christianity, Disciple of Christ, Eternal Life, Faith, Forgiveness, Light, Living in the Light, Reincarnation, Righteousness, Sons of God, The Kingdom, The Words of Jesus