Category Archives: Introduction

The First Blog


to the first blog on New Age This has been many years in the making, starting with that inner urge to write on spiritual matters from my unique perspective and according to my unique beliefs which basically come down to ONE GOD, ONE WORLD, ONE HUMANITY. Though this may not seem unique, I think you will see as we go along through this daily (I plan that it is daily) blog that the perspective is an intersection of most all major religious views with a special emphasis on the Christ for he was the last of the Great Teachers to come to humanity bringing an aspect of Divinity and changing the world.

The blog will be, at least at the outset, in the form of a daily essay around a theme and on some spiritual matter that can help to turn the minds of men toward God and to Peace on Earth, Goodwill and Right Human Relations which are the fundamentals of the teaching of Jesus over 2000 years ago. As is evidenced by history, none of this has been made true in the world of men but with the dawning of the NEW AGE, the Age of Aquarius, we are closer to making it a reality that ever before. The first theme is “IN THE WORDS OF JESUS” which, if they were followed by the organized religions of the world, could quickly create that era of Peace, Goodwill and Right Human Relations ….. LOVE.

I suspect that the audience for this blog will be predominantly Christian and I hope those that are struggling to find their place in the Christian world (which today is made so complex with the myriad of different and differing denominations, sects and philosophies) will find this blog and that it can be of help to them. At the same time, all open minded Christians as well as adherents to any of the major world faiths should find, at a minimum, food for thought if I do my duty and present the information in a cogent manner.

A look at the banner picture on this page will give a glimpse of the sources of what you will see here in this blog. As a disciple of the Christ and a student of those things which the Christ within (or the Inner Man, the God within, the Holy Spirit, the Soul, the Master within, the Higher Self … these are all the same) has led me to and which I have been studying for more than 30 years, I will endeavor to give the reader some insight that may lead him to revelation as regards the universality of God and man’s relation to Him and His Love which was made manifest to us in the Christ. In the diversity that you may see in the line of books above there is one common thread and that is LOVE. There is also instruction in these books as to how to live the Spiritual Life; how to live in the Presence of God. The Presence of God is a unique place yet it is not a place at all and is spoken of in the Bible as the Secret Place of the Most High and the Kingdom of God which, in the words of Jesus, is within you (Luke 17:21). “My soul must foster love among the sons of men, this is its major purpose” is a line from a meditation given to me many years ago and which I have never forgotten. It has been for a long time my inner purpose and now, with this blog, will become a reality. It is my only objective.

As this moves along, I hope to be able to put more resources into this as a web site with additional pages with interesting things along the lines of spiritual development and the New Age. Thank you for reading, recommend this to your friends, come back soon and feel free to leave a comment. One last thing: be sure to note the items as the bottom of the page as these are so relevant to the overall ideal of this site and blog; Goodwill is Love in Action and Unity in Diversity.

Note on the Quote of the Day

This daily blog also has a Quote of the Day which may not be in any way related to the essay. Many of these will be from the Bible and some just prayers or meditations that may have an influence on you and are in line with the subject matter of this blog. As the quote will change daily and will not store with the post, it is repeated in this section with the book reference and comment.

The first Quote of the Day is from the Bible and happens to be an outline of the first theme; “IN THE WORDS OF JESUS”. They are Jesus’ words and are some of the most convicting* words to the Christian who really reads them and understands.

“And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say ?” (Luke 6:46) is a question posed in such a way that we see that Jesus knows that it is true; that His disciples do call him Lord, Lord but do not “heareth my words, and doeth them”. The same is true today; few there are that do the words of Christ. Many there are that are hearers of the word only and, while we intend to “do” we don’t. Luke 6:45-49 and James 1:22-25 carry on this same theme. Jesus goes on to say how we are strong or weak based on doing His word and James tells us that if we hear and know and don’t do we are but deceiving ourselves. But alas, there is still hope and much of that hope is tied to His Great Commandment; that we love one another. Not as some in the church say when they tell us we need to love our Christian brothers but as Christ said when he told us that we need to love our neighbour. And as our world continues to shrink … who is not my neighbour.

*in a biblical sense as in John 8:9 or as “To convince of sin; to prove or determine to be guilty, as by the conscience.” (Webster’s Revised Unabridged 1828)

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